As the host of the persistence of Euro 2012, the City of Gdansk has become an important attraction that draws tourists in Poland. The city offers an opportunity for visitors to enjoy the sea, ships, and the spire are arranged nicely in the old town with a dive into the ups and downs of European history.
One of the city located in the Baltic Sea was once an important role in history, especially in the 20th century. The city is listed in critical times of World War II in 1939, then became a place inception Solidarnosc workers' movement in 1980, which started the end of Communist domination in Eastern Europe.
Gdansk Old town area is a must-see attraction while in the city Gdansk. Here you can down a variety of buildings typical of the classical Eastern Europe, especially the Gdansk City Hall was built from the 14th century, and is the city's history museum.
If interested head to Mariacka Street, on both sides of this small street filled with shops that sell jewelry precious stones and decorative items. Some buildings are decorated with gargoyles of stone, adding a romantic yet mysterious ambiance. A variety of antiques, art, and of silver is also sold on this street.
After the Gdansk's old town, walk to the downtown. You'll find water fountains from the 17th century depicting the figure of Neptune, god of the sea, located in the town square. Then there Dlugi Targ (extending the market), which became a symbol of the city.
Visiting the city is not complete if not stopped at Westerplatte. This area is a place where German semanjung open attack on the garrison of Poland on 1 September 1939. A monument honoring the Polish people who fought for seven days to attack the German artillery was built here.
Other historic places to visit are the shipyards Walesa. This is where Lech Walesa led the revolt of the workers at the shipyard in Gdansk. Liberation movement he founded called Solidarity, which became a key factor in the Eastern Bloc to overthrow communism.